Save Your Body, Career and Personal Life

As an endocrine surgeon, I’ve spent a lot of time on my feet in the OR trying to adapt equipment and posture to maximize ergonomic functioning and to avoid pain.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
Why should surgeons care about ergonomics?

Surgeons have high rates of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD), including pain, stiffness and numbness
WRMSD and related symptoms can result in needing a leave of absence, practice restriction or modification, burnout and potentially, early retirement and lost income due to a career-ending injury

Increasing awareness of the principles of ergonomics and their application early in training and reinforcing these is key to reducing the development of WRMSD
Interested in additional information?
How can you sustain a long and productive surgical career?
As a surgeon who has had to deal with WRMSD, I understand and appreciate the impact poor ergonomics can have on your professional and personal life.
I am a trained Surgical Coach (via The Academy for Surgical Coaching®) and can assist you in navigating your own journey towards improved ergonomics and less temporary and permanent musculoskeletal injury.
You are akin to an elite athlete who has spent years training for your chosen career and then additional time honing your skills. I’m here to help you stay in the game!
Interested in booking Geeta Lal, MD?